SAS Jeep In Italy
Hello, and welcome to another project showcase! In today's post I will cover a diorama I call "SAS Jeep in Italy." Its not the catchiest name out there, I know, yet that does not take away from the fact that this is my favorite diorama to date. Let me give you the backstory: two SAS men have been assigned a top-secret patrol through the mountains of the Italy, intending to find the location of a crucial command-post. However, while climbing a mountain pass, there is an explosion behind them, and while scanning the sky, they see a German fighter lining up for a strafing run. The assistant driver grabs his Lee-Enfield, and gets ready to jump from the jeep. The kit jeep is from Tamiya . . . sort of. The jeep itself was actually made by Italeri, as you have probably guessed from the box lid, but the detail parts and two of the figures were from Tamiya. I am not going to go into much detail on the construction of the jeep, however I will say that co...